Best Fertilizer for Spinach in Kenya | How to Grow Spinach

Spinach is a plant with simple leaves that grow in a rosette with a crinkled or flat appearance. They are annual crops that mostly survive only one season. They are mainly grown for their leaves, which are used as vegetables. Spinach is rich in essential vitamins, iron, calcium, and minerals. However, using the right fertilizer is critical to achieving maximum yields and healthy spinach. This article will help you understand the best fertilizer for your spinach.

Spinach is grown primarily for the consumption of its leaves; therefore, they require adequate and appropriate fertilizer for faster growth and sustainability, as they only exist for one season.

The best fertilizers for spinach in Kenya are: 

1. NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium) Fertilizer 

NPK is a combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium that is essential in the productivity of spinach as well as their vegetative quality 

5 Reasons why NPK is the Best Fertilizer for Spinach in Kenya

1. NPK Fertilizer has a compound that allows storage and energy use in plants

The nitrogen in the NPK fertilizer is a significant component of amino acids, the basis of protein in the spinach plant. Also, it aids in the compound that allows the use and storage of energy.

2. NPK has Potassium that promotes the quality of spinach

NPK has potassium, which facilitates the growth and development associated with quality, such as the size, shape, colour, and taste of the spinach.

3. NPK Fertilizer has Phosphorous that is essential in spinach plant

NPK fertilizer has phosphorous that encourages the growth of the spinach roots, promotes blooming, and is essential in the DNA of spinach.

4. NPK Fertilizer carry out various plant processes 

NPK fertilizer has nitrogen, a key component in carrying out various plant processes by allowing chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis, and is also responsible for the green coloring matter on spinach leaves. 

5. NPK Fertilizer contributes to healthy and quality spinach leaves. 

Phosphorus in NPK is important for plant health and growth because it contributes to structural strength and spinach quality. 

2. LAN (28) (Lime Ammonium Nitrate)

LAN (28) is a granular chemical fertilizer with high nitrogen content and is used to feed the spinach leaves during top dressing. 

4. Reasons Why LAN is the Best Fertilizer for Spinach in Kenya

1. Contain a high amount of nitrogen, which spinach requires for its vegetative growth.

2. It is a good fertilizer for topdressing, promotes crop quality, and broadens spinach leaves.

3. It enhances nutrition in spinach uptake for greener and leafier growth.

4. LAN fertilizer is fast-acting and also economical to use. 

Fertilizer Application Ratio for Spinach 

Once your spinach plants are established, you can use a balanced fertilizer. A fertilizer with a bit more nitrogen might work even better. Something like 10:10:10 is successful, but 15:10:10 is preferred; you can also use Ammonia Nitrate (NPK20:0:0)

Spinach Fertilizer Requirements

Spinach is a leafy vegetable that we grow to collect its leaves. As a result, apply nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) during different stages of plant growth to maximize the total leaf surface.

Spinach requirements in N depend on the type (savoy versus smooth); you can also apply ammonium nitrate (NPK) at a rate of 50 kg per hectare. 

Best Organic Fertilizer for Spinach

Chicken manure is the best organic fertilizer among animal manures with a higher nutrient content; nitrogen is the highest percentage at 4.55%–5.46% and is required in large amounts by the spinach plant.

Spinach fertilizer dose: Depending on the soil fertility of your farm, you can apply 200kg – 400kg per acre. At four to eight weeks, apply 70kg – 90kg of Limestone Ammonia Nitrate(LAN).

Homemade Fertilizer for Spinach

The best homemade fertilizer for spinach is organic manure fertilizer, composed of the following three types:

1. Chicken Manure Fertilizer

Chicken manure is mainly from poultry droppings, contains a higher amount of nitrogen, and is recommended for spinach planting.

2. Compost Manure Fertilizer 

Compost is made from a variety of materials, including leaf litter, grass clippings, kitchen waste, and plant material.

3. Compost Tea Fertilizer 

Form compost by placing the compost manure in water for about 20 days until it turns to light- yellow

5 Dos and Don’ts When Applying Fertilizer on Spinach

1. Remember to remove weeds regularly when using manure.

2. Due to the high nitrogen content in most spinach, fertilizers should be used with caution on plant leaves.

3. Ensure your spinach is well supplied with nitrogen during the vegetative stage since the plant process will be more active.

4. You should spray foliar every week.

5. When using foliar, it is advisable to always mix it with foliar feed (INTEGRA 3 ml/20 l) since it increases the absorption level of the foliar by the plant leaves.

Spinach Ecological Requirements

Spinach is a cool-weather vegetable and a one-season crop that germinates and grows well in an optimum temperature range of 4–16 °C and can also withstand low temperatures as low as -7 °C. Spinach grows best in well-drained loamy soil with an optimum pH of 6.4 to 7. They are sensitive to acidic soil and high soil pH.

Planting and Routine Management Practice

Spinach Nursery Establishment

The use of seeds propagates spinach.

They are usually raised in a nursery bed before being transplanted into the main field.

The following are the five procedures carried out in a nursery:

1. Prepare a 1-meter-long nursery bed.

2. Drill seeds across the nursery bed, about 1 inch deep.

3. Place your seeds and cover them lightly with soil.

4. Mulch your nursery bed using a thin layer of grass.

5. Water the nursery bed daily during the dry season. The seeds will take about 5-7 days to germinate.

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