Do Kari Chicken Sit on Eggs? Benefits of Kari Fertilized Eggs

Many farmers in Kenya mostly do poultry farming. There are different types of chicken breeds used in various parts of Kenya. Mostly, chicken farming is done to produce eggs and hatch chicks like Kari, which are suitable for the production of eggs.

No, Kari chicken does not sit on eggs. However, they always go broody. This is due to the fact that this breed was developed with a primary emphasis on growth as well as the production of meat and eggs. In order to successfully hatch Kari eggs, a farmer will need to have access to an incubator.

When a rooster mates with a hen, the resulting egg is fertilized. The Kari fertilized eggs are a crossbreed of several indigenous chickens introduced and bred by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. It is possible to rear Kari fertilized eggs in any weather conditions.

5 Benefits of Kari Fertilized Eggs 

A farmer can get six benefits when he decides to adopt Kari fertilized eggs because of the following:

1. Favorable in All weather Conditions

Breeding these fertilized eggs is advantageous to farmers because they survive in all weather conditions. This is because this breed results from two indigenous chicken breeds that are good survivors in all weather conditions.

2. Faster Growth 

These eggs mature faster, and chickens gain weight quickly when given quality feed. This is because it is improved the chicken breed’s growth rate is faster.

3. Resistant to Diseases 

Breeding these eggs is promising because they are resistant to disease. This breed is more resistant to disease since it is a cross between two indigenous chicken breeds.

4. Low Costs

When breeding these eggs, a farmer may not incur many costs when rearing them compared to other species. This is because this breed can be raised on free-range or semi-free-range systems where a farmer can minimize the cost of feeding.

A farmer can distinguish a hen and a rooster easily in that the hen has black feathers while the rooster has speckles on its body. The Kari breed has a unique colour that is easy to differentiate.

Kari chicken is sold at several prices depending on the chick’s age. This breed is sold in every part of Kenya. Mostly Kari chickens are sold starting at one week of age to ensure they are strong enough for a new home.

Prices of Kari Chicken

  1. One day old chick sold at Kshs 85.
  2. One week sold at Kshs 100.
  3. Two weeks sold at Kshs 150.
  4. Three weeks sold at Kshs 200.
  5. Four weeks sold at Kshs 260
  6. Cockerel sold at Kshs 1000.
  7. Hen sold at Kshs 650.

The time taken for improved kienyeji chickens to start laying eggs depends on the breed type. For instance, when Kari improved kienyeji chickens are fed on quality feed, a hen can mature at month five and start laying eggs at five and a half months. Also, the kuroiler and rainbow rooster hen start to lay eggs at five months old.

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