How Do I Improve Kienyeji Chicken? | Top 10 Ways to Look at!

Kienyeji chicken farming is rapidly growing in the country today, supplementing revenue from crop farming and other livestock keeping. Kienyeji poultry farming is well known for its low management costs yet earns a high income at the end. There is increased demand for kienyeji meat and eggs due to people’s health conditions, creating a good gap for competition.

You have landed yourself in the best place where you will learn various informative details on how to enhance kienyeji chicken. You can improve kienyeji chicken to fetch maximum profits.

The following are 10 ways to improve kienyeji chicken:

1. Selective Breeding

Having the best breeds with impressive characteristics is essential in rearing kienyeji chickens. Besides, you should get roosters from outside your farm to prevent inbreeding. Choose a good cockerel for your hens to get kienyeji chicken of better quality.

2. Feed Kienyeji Birds With Nutritive Feeds

Nutrients are essential in a bird’s body as they play various roles, such as growth, immunity, bone formation, egg formation, etc. Nutritive feeds can be bought or homemade, depending on your preference. Nourishing meals increase livestock productivity, fetching you maximum profits.

3. Adopt a Good Feeding Chart

The feeding chart will guide you based on the amount of feed intake per chicken and the type of feed to be given to the birds at a certain age. Read carefully and understand the kienyeji chicken feeding program pdf by the Ministry of Agriculture. Kienyeji chickens will grow healthy, thus improving productivity.

4. Use Feeders

Feeders are helpful when feeding your birds. They help you gauge the amount of feed your chickens consume per day. Besides, it prevents feed wastage, resulting in low feeding costs. Feeding your birds using feeders will improve your chickens since they will gain weight quickly.

5. Provide Clean Water

Water is a fundamental element when feeding your chickens. Clean water helps in the digestion of the birds. Also, water prevents dehydration of the birds. Ensure you put water for your birds in a waterer.

6. Construct Good Houses for Your Birds

Proper housing protects the birds from agents that may cause stress, leading to health deterioration. Stress lowers the productivity of the birds. Constructing a good house will improve your kienyeji chickens on your farm.

7. Vaccination

Vaccinating your birds will help them gain strong immunity. Vaccination prevents deadly diseases from killing your birds. Adopt an immunization schedule prescribed by your veterinarian or the Ministry of Agriculture. Vaccination improves your birds’ immunity.

8. Proper Hygiene

Hygiene is critical when rearing kienyeji chickens. Clean the birds’ coop regularly to eradicate parasites’ breeding environment. Parasites cause infection, which decreases productivity. Dirty feed and water will bring endoparasites such as worms that will cause deterioration of health. It is best to maintain hygiene to improve kienyeji chicken.

9. Treatment

Once you notice any symptoms in your flock, separate the sick birds from the healthy ones to prevent the spread of diseases. Call your veterinarian to treat your birds with the right type of medication. Do not expect any changes. Treatment helps you to improve the kienyeji chickens on your farm.

10. Regular Checkup

It is essential for a veterinarian to check up on your birds regularly. They will advise you on the kind of medication to administer in case of any illness. They will correct your feeding habit if it is not suitable for your birds. Regular checkups help to keep your birds on track.

Advantages of Improved Kienyeji Chicken

Improved kienyeji chicken has several advantages, such as:

  1. High Production of Eggs

Improved kienyeji breeds such as KARI improved kienyeji are highly recognized for their high production of eggs. These eggs can be sold for consumption or hatched by the incubators to produce chicks. These chicks are sold at Ksh. 100 for a day-old chick, earning you maximum profits.

  1. High Meat Content

Improved kienyeji gains weight quickly. Rainbow roosters’ breeds are well known for their high meat content. If you want to sell birds for meat, consider stocking your flock with the Rainbow rooster breed.

  1. Mature Faster

Improved kienyeji takes a short time to mature. They take three months to mature and are ready for consumption. Due to faster maturity, you will regularly enter the market to sell your chickens at what you like. This will help you gain a lot of profit every year as you sell your birds more than once a year.

  1. Can Survive on Local Feeds

Local feeds are cheaper compared to commercial meals. Improved kienyeji birds do not necessarily need commercial feed to survive. They can feed on local feed and still grow healthy.

  1. Low Management Cost

Improved kienyeji do not require much attention compared to GMO chickens. You can start an improved kienyeji chicken business with a minimum start-up capital. It is therefore considered an easy entry as it does not require much.

Disadvantages of Kari Improved Kienyeji Chicken

Perhaps you are curious to know the disadvantages of Kari improved kienyeji chicken, which include the following:

  1. It does not brood its eggs. Kari improved kienyeji chicken does not sit on its eggs; therefore, you need an incubator to hatch eggs.
  2. High capital investment. Kari improved kienyeji chicken requires high capital to increase its productivity. This can limit you if you lack enough money.
  3. Less resistant to diseases. This breed is prone to diseases; therefore, treatment is vital when raising these birds. Adopt an improved kienyeji chicken vaccination schedule to boost their immunity. Treatment costs can be pretty expensive.

Are you curious about the cost of rearing 100 kienyeji chickens in Kenya? The cost of raising 100 kienyeji chickens is approximately Ksh. 66,800. This cost covers the chicken equipment, feed, vaccines, and labor. It is pretty affordable to raise kienyeji chickens in Kenya today.

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