How Long do Broilers Take to Mature in Kenya? | Rearing Cost

Broilers are chickens that are kept for meat production. In most cases, broilers are considered ready for slaughter when they attain the age of between four and seven weeks. Many farmers have focused on broiler farming since they find it more profitable. In addition, the starting and maintenance costs are affordable for anyone willing to start that business.

It takes 4 to 10 weeks for broilers to mature in Kenya. For your broilers to grow and mature at that rate, you need to feed them well, house them, and vaccinate them when required.

8 Things to Consider When Rearing Broilers

  1. Housing

Housing is the first thing to be taken into consideration. For the broilers to grow healthy, they need to grow in a good environment. For instance, the house to be built should be ventilated, spacious, and located in a strategic place. Also, the house needs to be cleaned to facilitate a healthy living atmosphere. As you set up your house, you should also consider setting it up in a place free from other harmful animals.

  1. How to water them

Water is fundamental to the growth of your broilers. To attain the required weight and age at a quicker rate, you need to water them well. To prevent water from splashing in the room and pouring, you should consider watering them using drinkers.

  1. How to control parasites

Parasites are always the greatest enemies when it comes to broiler farming. However, the parasites can be gotten rid of only if the necessary procedures are followed. Many farmers have complained and made losses due to parasite attacks. Therefore, as a farmer, you should consider deworming your birds to prevent unwanted attacks. If you are unsure of the parasites affecting your birds, you can always consider getting a veterinary for the exercise and more guidance.

  1. How to manage their stress

You may be wondering how stress affects broilers. Well, they are affected by stress due to a variety of factors. A stressed bird will not be able to reach the desired weight since it consumes a lesser amount of food and water. Some things that make the broilers stressed include overcrowding, harsh temperatures, and lack of feed and water. Hence, you should be cautious and know how to manage the stress of your birds.

  1. How to feed them

For any living thing to grow, it has to eat. In the case of broilers, you have to feed them with specific feed types so that they mature quickly. For instance, when your broilers have attained the age of 1 to 21 days, you should feed them with broiler starter feed. When they reach the age of 21 weeks or older, that’s when they are ready to be slaughtered. Lastly, you should provide them with broiler finisher feeds. The mentioned types of feeds will play a significant role in growth.

  1. How to manage diseases

Diseases are the worst enemies of living things. Broilers have to be disease-free to grow well, thus leading to the maximization of profits. Therefore, there is a vaccination program that you should follow. Between days 7 and 8, you have to vaccinate them with Newcastle and IB vaccinations, Gumboro between days 10 and 11 and days 18 and 19, and finally Newcastle and IB between days 21 and 22. By following that vaccination program, you can be sure of better results in the end.

  1. Lighting requirements

Usually, broilers are reared under 24-hour lighting. The main reason why lighting is necessary is that it increases the bodyweight growth of the broiler. Light is also beneficial in improving feather growth. It would be best to consider getting a 40-watt bulb for the procedure.

  1. Your broiler’s bedding

Bedding is essential for your broilers. Good bedding will result in the comfortability of the birds. When the chicks are still young, you can consider using leaves as bedding instead of sawdust. This is because chicks can confuse sawdust with food. As a recommendation, sawdust should be set after the chicks have matured.

Where to Sell Broilers in Kenya

There are a lot of places where you can sell broilers in Kenya. Some of these places include:

  1. Butcheries
  2. Hotels
  3. Open markets
  4. Broiler farms

The Kenchic price list varies depending on what type of product you are buying. Therefore, you can consider taking the initiative of viewing their price list for more information.

Cost of Rearing 100 Broilers

The cost of rearing 100 broilers in Kenya ranges from Ksh.10,000 to Ksh.22,500 on average, depending on different factors. The range is inclusive of labor, chicks, and food, among others. If you have a fixed budget, you can begin with a small number of chicks until you are finally stable.

Kenya’s broiler market has dominated the country and has helped many farmers grow. You now have an opportunity to take your product to the market and sell it in order to make your desired profit.

Is Broiler Farming Profitable?

Perhaps you’re interested in knowing how profitable broiler farming is in Kenya. Well, broiler farming is very profitable. Typically, farmers tend to get up to 47% profit from the initial cost (startup capital). If it has ever been your dream to venture into broiler farming, you should do it without hesitating. All you require is courage, hard work, and determination.

How to Become a Kenchic Farmer

In most cases, there is no formal education required for you to be a kenchic farmer. However, you have to learn a lot before actually exploring the field. You need to have the required capital and a good business plan. Afterward, you can set up your farm and be patient to achieve the desired goal.

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