How Much Does Watermelon Cost in Kenya? Prices for Watermelon Seeds

To this day, watermelon remains one of Kenya’s most beloved and widely consumed fruits. As a source of revenue, watermelons are grown by many farmers and sold at local markets. In Kenya, the demand for watermelons determines the price at which these fruits are sold. The price of watermelons in Kenya is discussed in greater detail here.

The price of a single watermelon in Kenya ranges between Ksh. 100 and Ksh. 300 on average, depending on its weight and size. In Kenya, the price of a slice of watermelon ranges from Kshs 20 to Kshs 50, with prices fluctuating according on region and climate. For example, watermelon is consumed more frequently during warm weather than during cold weather, and as a result, its price tends to rise.

Watermelon is less expensive on the streets and in markets in Kenya, but it can cost up to Ksh. 500 per fruit at upmarket grocery stores like Zucchini and Chandarana. A single watermelon can also cost Kshs 300 in upscale shopping malls.

Watermelon is also sold across borders in Uganda and Tanzania for between Kshs 100 and Kshs 300. This means that the price of watermelons in Kenya fluctuates depending on where you go and what market you visit.

How Much Is a Kilo of Watermelon in Kenya?

In Kenya’s largest cities, one kilogram of watermelon costs Kshs 118; when purchased from the farm, the price ranges from Kshs 25 to Kshs 40 per kilogram. The fact that a single watermelon can weigh up to five kilograms makes it profitable. Prices also change based on where the watermelon is bought, since some places are more expensive than others.

How Much Do Watermelon Seeds Cost in Kenya?

The cost of watermelon seeds varies widely according to factors such as the type of seed you want, the quantity you need, and the store you buy them from. One kilogram of watermelon seeds, for instance, might cost anywhere from Ksh. 3000 to Ksh. 4000. Thus, Agro-Vets all across Kenya make it simple for farmers to purchase watermelon seeds at affordable prices.

Where to Buy Watermelon Seeds

All around Kenya, seeds for watermelons can be purchased from Agro-Vets. There are also the following places where you may purchase watermelon seeds:

1. Mkulima Young

2. Simlaw

3. Kenya Seed Company Limited

4. Agroduka

5. JIji

6. County Growers

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