How Much is Beans in Kenya? Top 6 Affordable Bean Varieties

Bean farming in Kenya is the most preferred by farmers in several regions of the country. It has boosted the country’s economic status since many farmers have invested in this business. Beans are sold at different prices measured in kilos in Kenya. Therefore, this article shows the price of various types of beans in Kenya.

In Kenya, the wholesale price of beans is Ksh. 160 per kilo, depending on the type of bean. Prices vary depending on where you sell or buy them. When demand is low, one kilo of beans costs between Ksh. 80 and Ksh. 100, and when demand is high, one kilo of beans costs around Ksh. 160.

A bag of 90kg of beans costs Ksh 900. Its price varies with where you are buying and selling and the type of bean in Kenya. On average, the price of 90kg of beans is between Ksh. 7,000 and Ksh. 12,000 depending on the quality and type of beans.

Prices of Various Bean Varieties in Kenya

1. Yellow Beans

In Kenya, yellow beans are among the beans that have the highest price. The price of yellow beans per kilo is Ksh. 80 at low demand and Ksh. 200 at high demand, but during the dry season, the price can be more than the normal price.

The price of yellow beans is an average of Ksh. 12,150 per 90 kg bag and retails at Ksh. 140 per kilo.

2. Njahi

The price of beans in Kenya varies with bean variety, season and demand for beans. For instance, Njahi beans are the most expensive beans since they are a delicacy on special occasions, so a 90 kg bag is between Ksh. 10,000 and Ksh. 14,000 in Kenya.

3. Rose Coco

Due to the high demand, rose coco beans are an expensive type of bean in Kenya due to the high demand. Therefore, the price of a 90kg bag of rose coco beans ranges between Ksh. 7,000 and Ksh. 9,900 depending on the location.

Rose coco beans are retailing at an average of Ksh. 8,600 for a bag of 90 kg. The rose coco bean wholesale price is Ksh. 135 per kilo.

4. Mwezi Moja

Mwezi Moja beans are Ksh. 5,200 per bag and a 51 kg bag is at an average of Ksh. 3,500.

5. Kidney Beans

The price of kidney beans in Kenya at wholesale price is Ksh. 62 per kilo.

6. Black Beans

Black beans are the most expensive beans in Kenya, especially in Nairobi. The price of a 90 kg bag costs an average of Ksh. 12,450 across the country and about Ksh. 200 per kilo.

The Market for Beans in Kenya

Beans are sold to generate income since they have a ready market. The beans are mostly sold in local markets, and some are exported to international markets in Kenya. Also, farmers can sell beans in educational institutions like schools and also in supermarkets.

In Kenya, beans are sold in kilograms in various local markets or using debes for small-scale traders.

The price of beans can fluctuate depending on a number of factors like demand and supply. It will be expensive when they are in high demand, which is during planting time and periods with no new crops. Also, beans price will depend on the region you are in and when you are buying and selling.

Therefore, the price of beans for a 90 kg bag costs between Ksh. 7,000 and Ksh. 12,000 depending on the type of beans and the wholesale price of Ksh. 160 per kilo.

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