How Profitable is Tomato Growing in Kenya? Profitable Tomato Varieties

Many farmers have ventured into growing tomatoes, making tomatoes one of the popular crops grown in Kenya. Many farmers practice tomato farming as a way to earn an income. But is tomato growing profitable in Kenya? This article discusses the profitability of tomatoes and the reasons why tomato growing is profitable in Kenya.

Tomato growing is highly profitable in Kenya for several reasons. For example, an acre of tomatoes can produce 30 to 35 tonnes, and 1 kg can cost up to Kshs 150 to Kshs 300, depending on availability and time. As a result, in Kenya, you can get more money for just an acre of tomatoes.

Also, assuming you have 2000 plants, each gives you 60 kg per year, or Kshs 120 000 kg of tomato. If you sell at a cost of Kshs 30 per kg, you can get Kshs 360000 per year.

Tomato farming is also profitable to farmers whereby the local price of one tomato ranges between Kshs 5 and Kshs 10 depending on the size of the tomato. Hence, you can earn more money for your business when selling in markets.

5 Reasons Why Tomato Growing is Profitable in Kenya 

Tomato growing is profitable because of the following five reasons in Kenya:

1. Tomatoes have a huge market readily available in schools, institutions, hotels, and open markets that encourage farmers to invest in tomato growing.

2. Tomatoes have many health benefits, like reducing the risks of heart disease and various types of cancer. Tomatoes are also a rich source of vitamins C and K.

3. Tomatoes are mostly used for cooking meals in every home to make them taste delicious and marketable.

4. They have a short maturing period compared to other staple and cash crops, giving you a high return on investment for your money.

5. All varieties of tomatoes can do well in various agroecological climate zones and be grown in open fields, under greenhouses, or in containers for home use and sale.

In Kenya, one earns more profit when they grow tomatoes on an acre of land. This is because an acre can produce 300 crates and a 60kg crate of tomatoes goes for Kshs 5000 when demand is high in the market and declines to an average of about Kshs 3000 when there is low demand, therefore making one earn Kshs 1.5 million when the season is good.

5 Best Tomato Varieties in Kenya

There are many types of tomato varieties in Kenya, but the following five are the best tomato varieties in Kenya:

1. Anna F1 

This is one of the best tomato varieties available, a fresh market variety that performs best when grown in a greenhouse.  It gives very high yields and is resistant to tomato diseases. It has firm, oval-shaped fruits that are deep red.

It matures within 75 days, and the first harvest of Anna F1 gives a lower yield than the later harvest. It has an average production of tomatoes of 74 tonnes per acre and 35kg per tomato plant.

2. Mavuno F1 

This variety is among the best tomato varieties in Kenya since it matures within 70 days after transplant and its fruits are heavier. It has the longest life span of up to a year. 

This variety is resistant to bacterial, fusarium, mosaic, and nematode diseases.

3. Money Maker Tomato

It is the best and most popular tomato variety in Kenya.  It is a fresh market variety that requires little maintenance. It does well in poor soil, is hardy in poor weather, and needs a warm environment to mature.

4. Faulu Tomato Variety 

It is the fastest-growing tomato variety, reaching maturity between 60 and 79 days after transplant. It gives fruits that are oval-shaped, firm, and weigh around 90 grams. 

It is resistant to fusarium and verticillium diseases.

5. Marglobe Tomato 

The Marglobe tomato is also the best and very popular in Kenya. It is a fresh market variety, producing fruit weighing 170 to 180 grams. It is one of the earliest maturing varieties in Kenya at 67 days.

It can give yields of 50 tonnes per hectare. Kenya Seed Company and Simlaw Seeds market it.

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