How to Clean a Rabbit Cage with Vinegar | Rabbit Cage Cleaning Hacks

A rabbit is attractive and makes a great pet, as it does not require much space for you to raise it. They do not require more care, just like other pets. However, rabbits need to stay in clean surroundings to feel comfortable and healthier. It is critical to clean its cage with appropriate cleaning products on a daily basis, but how do you do it?

Steps on How to Clean a Rabbit Cage with Vinegar

1. Get the Rabbit Out of The Cage

To clean a rabbit cage with vinegar, the first thing you need to do is get the rabbit out of the cage and place it in a safe place to avoid being affected by chemicals or to allow cleaning without stressing it.

2. Empty the Cage

This is done by removing everything from the cage, like bedding, litter, hay, and uneaten food.

3. Wash the Cage with Warm Water

Wash the cage with warm water by scrubbing all stains from the floor, wall, and every corner using a small brush.

4. Disinfect the Cage with Vinegar

After washing, disinfect the cage with vinegar to ensure no germs or bacteria are left. Mix equal portions of vinegar with water, put the mixture in a spray bottle, then spray evenly on the cage, and allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then take a cloth or towel to wipe the cage, rinse it with warm water since vinegar is unsuitable for rabbits, and keep it in proper sunlight for drying. 

5. Clean all Rabbit Items

Clean the food and water holders and bedding, make fresh bedding for the rabbit, and reintroduce it in the cage.

Homemade rabbit cage cleaner is cheap and non-toxic to the rabbit. Vinegar is an appropriate homemade cleaner you can get at any grocery store. It is mixed with water in equal portions and is safe to use on metal, plastic, wood, clothing items, and cage parts.

5 Rabbit Cage Cleaning Hacks

Rabbits are pets that need to be taken care of, for instance, by cleaning their cages so that they can stay happy and healthy.

The following are five rabbit cage cleaning hacks that you can use:

1. Prepare a DIY Cleaner

Prepare a DIY cleaner that is safe to use in cleaning, like mixing water with white vinegar in a spray bottle, which is an effective product.

2. Use of Vacuum Cleaner

Use a vacuum cleaner to remove hay, fur, and dry poop and prevent mites and fleas in the cage.

3. Air Purifier

Use an air purifier to control the strong smell in the cage.

4. Soap and Water

Soap and warm water are good for cleaning the rabbit cage. The floor should be scrubbed thoroughly as this will guarantee healthy and happy rabbits.

8 Rabbit Cage Cleaning Products 

The rabbit cage and its accessories need to be cleaned well to provide a good environment for the rabbit. They are good products that are appropriately used when cleaning the cage. The following are eight rabbit cage cleaning products;

1. Hepper Advanced Bio Enzyme Pet Stain and Odor Eliminator Spray

This cleaning product removes stains and odors from the rabbit cage since it has a powerful formula that cleans rabbit urine.

It has no chemical scent and is the best product for cleaning rabbit urine.

2. Nature Miracle Small Animal Cage Cleaner Spray 

This cage-cleaning product removes embedded odors in the cage and releases scents that can disturb the respiratory system of a rabbit. It is ideal for cleaning cages because it removes every trace of dirt.

3.  Zero Odor Pet Odor Eliminator Spray

This rabbit cage cleaning product is perfect for all kinds of odors. It is a premium product that prevents scent from lingering everywhere and works on stains.

4. Kaytee Clean Cage Small Animal Habitat Deodorizer Spray

It is a non-toxic cleaning product that is safe and effective for cleaning rabbit cages and accessories. It has a unique formula with cleansing agents and a deodorizer for smell control. 

5. Ricco and Roxie Stain and Odor Eliminator 

This cleaning product works on different surfaces and the rabbit cage to eliminate stains and odor.

6. Trinova Pet Stain and Odor Remover

This high-quality cleaning solution employs a natural enzyme to quickly remove all stains and odors from the cage’s surfaces. It is used to clean different surfaces like carpets, furniture, and bedding.

7. Urine Gone Stream Clean Pet Stain and Odor Eliminator Spray

This product cleans rabbit urine, removes stains, and neutralizes odors.

8. Skout’s Honor 

It is a versatile cleaning product that can work on a variety of surfaces and is used to break down and remove rabbit urine, new and old stains, and smells.

How to Clean Poop from Rabbit Cage

Cleaning poop from the rabbit cage is vital for the health of the rabbit. To clean poop, you must first find a good poop scooper to assist you in picking it up and disposing of it from the carpet or hardwood floor. 

After that, scrub the surface by mixing a small portion of white vinegar with water. You can also use other cleaning solutions, depending on what type of surface the poop is on. Then make sure you scrub the floor perfectly to make it clean. 

After scrubbing, use an appropriate disinfectant to kill bacteria and germs that might be left behind, helping to clean the rabbit poop for good.

9 Best Things to Put in the Bottom of the Rabbit Cage

Rabbit feet are very delicate; therefore, putting several materials on the bottom of the cage is essential. This will prevent rabbits from being affected by sores, and the cage will be easy to clean. As a result, the materials to be used should be non-toxic and absorbent.

The following are nine things to put in the bottom of the cage;

1. Straw and Hay

These are dried materials from stalks and grasses that are effective in trapping warm air and absorbing liquids. Also, they are safe and edible for rabbits.

2. Grass Woven Mat

Natural materials like straw and hay make cleaning easy since you can always remove them when cleaning. Also, it protects rabbit feet from sores.

3. Sisal Rug

It is a natural mat that is durable and safe, as rabbits can ingest its loose pieces.

4. Fleece Blankets

They are soft materials that are absorbent, washable, and can last a long time due to their high quality.

5. Old Cotton Towels 

These old items found at home can be used as bedding since they are not toxic.

6. Aspen Wood Shavings.

These litter materials can be used in the cage’s bottom to protect rabbits’ sensitive feet.

7. Paper Based Pellets 

These are used as litter or bedding and are made from compressed recycled paper. As a result, they are excellent absorbents with good odor control.

8. Wood Based Pellets

This compressed sawdust is suitable for odor control and safe for rabbits.

9. Plain Cardboard 

Cardboard is good to put in the bottom of the cage since it absorbs well.

Does Vinegar Neutralize Rabbit Urine?

Yes, vinegar has acidic components that can neutralize rabbit urine no matter what kind of material the urine is on. 

How Often Should You Clean an Indoor Rabbit Cage?

To keep the rabbit comfortable, the indoor rabbit cage should be cleaned at least once daily. This is done by removing wet and dirty bedding and uneaten feeds and cleaning the feed and water containers before refilling them. 

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