Is Sheep Farming Profitable in Kenya? All You Need to Know to Succeed

Sheep are one of the livestock being raised in Kenya for both wool and mutton production. Sheep farming is among the most profitable businesses in Kenya. But how profitable is sheep farming? This article discusses how profitable sheep farming is in Kenya.

Yes, sheep farming is profitable when raised in both small-scale farming and large-scale farming because sheep are suitable for the production of wool, milk, meat, manure, and skin. In addition, you can sell the sheep when they are old enough to produce more wool or meat. You can get your investment back in a short period of time since it is a reliable source of income.

Commercial sheep farming business is also a great idea since it is highly profitable. With a proper business plan, you will be assured of getting your capital back in a short time.

What is the Average Price of Sheep

The price of sheep is different depending on breed, size, and gender. The following are the average prices for a sheep:

1. A fully grown pure Dorper raw cost Ksh. 45,000.

2. A fully grown pure Dorper ewe costs Ksh. 25,000.

3. A pure breed Dorper lamb cost Ksh. 6,000.

4. The price of a cross-bred ram is between Ksh. 15,000 and Ksh. 20,000.

5. The cost of a cross-bred ewe is Ksh. 10,000.

How Profitable Is Sheep Farming in Kenya? 

Sheep farming in Kenya is a profitable business for the farmers when managed well. For instance, when a farmer raises pure sheep breeds, you can get a lot of money in that a grown ram costs Ksh. 45,000 while a grown ewe costs Ksh. 25,000. Also, a cross with a native breed will cost between Ksh. 15,000 and Ksh. 20,000 for a ram and Ksh. 10,000 for an ewe.

The Dorper sheet are highly in demand due to their low fat meat high quality and very tasty meat and farmers can get a return of up to Ksh. 10,000 for a single sheep.

Rearing of sheep is profitable in that sheep are suitable for meat and wool production in Kenya. Therefore, a farmer can get income from the sale of meat and wool from sheep to the market. Sheep are considered hardy animals and can adapt to almost all types of environmental conditions.

How Fast Do Sheep Reproduce?

When raising sheep, in a year you can get more sheep, especially on a large scale. This is because a female sheep can produce more than two lambs in a year, making a great profit. Well-managed lambs reach market weight at five months, which costs around Ksh. 6,000.

The reproduction of sheep is different depending on the breed. The ewe sheep reach sexual maturity at six to eight months, while the rams do at four to six months.

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