Large Scale Dairy Farming In Kenya | Smart Farm To Success

Get tips on how to experience a successful large scale dairy farming in Kenya using smart dairy farming technology. The many benefits of smart dairy farming in Kenya can put you ahead of your competitors and is thus worth investing.

Large scale dairy farming in Kenya is also referred to as intensive dairy farming. The farming system involves large numbers of dairy cows. Farmers practicing large-scale dairy farming employ the use of advanced dairy machines of modern technology. Large volumes of milk are produced daily.

Most of the large-scale dairy farmers incur marketing expenses and to gain more consumers to avoid milk wastage. Large-scale farming has resulted in more significant milk production that has steered industrialization in the country.

Many companies such as KCC and Brookside have been put up to improve milk processing, packaging, and preservation to serve the consumer’s future needs. Some companies have majored in their productions of milk products that have boosted the county’s economic status.

Smart Dairy Farming In Kenya

The farming system is an upcoming new technology being applied in the milk production sector. The main aim of the emergence of smart farm technology is to help farmers increase the milk production levels. The Smart farm helps the farmers overcome dairy challenges as they rare their cows in the farms.

Although the smart dairy farm has not penetrated the inner parts of the country, some farmers have been in most urban areas have embraced the idea. The smart dairy farm uses an electronic device to analyze the cow’s general status, including health status.

As a result, the farmers understand their animals and make necessary amendments in curbing and overcoming dairy challenges even earlier.  The electronic device can be placed on strategic parts of the cow’s body such as; leg, neck, or tail.

The sensor compiles timely data on the cow’s health, feeding habits, behavior, fertility management, and milk production. Among the devices used in milk production, the system comes with an automatic feeder that senses the cow’s hunger levels and automatically feeds the cow.

9 Benefits Of Smart Dairy Farming

The use of Smart farming has resulted in successful dairy farming in Kenya. The new technology provides timely and accurate information to the farmer on time. Some of the key benefits of using smart dairy farming for large scale dairy farming in Kenya include:

1. Improved reproduction

The use of artificial insemination helps the farmer overcome reproductive challenges and increase milk production.

2. Proper Planning And Management

Data analysis technology provides the farmer with helpful information on animal health, behavior, feeding, nutrition, and calving, which helps the farmers plan ahead of time.

3. Early Disease Detection

The use of machine learning gadgets helps with the early detection of diseases helps the farmer give specific care to the right cows without interfering with the milk production levels. 

4. Minimize Spread Of Diseases

The levels of the disease infection to the animals are reduced since there is reduced contact between the laborers and the animals.

5. Minimize Milk Wastage

Reduces milk wastage by adverse weather conditions, using auto milking devices, and enhancing milk preservation under favorable temperatures smart cooling tanks.

6.Reduce Time Wastage

Time wastage is minimized due to the use of electronic machines rather than human resources.

7. Effective Water Management

The automatic waterer regulates the drinking water levels and the thermostat temperatures of the water.

8. Correct Feeding

The farmer can feed the animals on the right feeds and required nutrient intake levels without overfeeding or underfeeding the animals.

9. High Milk Production

The farmer enjoys high milk production due to proper care for the animals and good farm management skills.

Benefits Of Large Scale Dairy Farming To A Farmer

  • Increased financial stability from daily returns of milk 
  • The farmer can benefit from the farm manure by selling it to other farmers or applying it to different farming practices.
  • The farmer, together with their families, can attain nutritional needs from the harvested milk. 
  • The farmer can use the finances from the milk returns to secure other properties.

Benefits Of Large Scale Dairy Farming To Government

  • Large pieces of land are utilized for income generation purposes reducing land wastage.
  • Large scale production of milk has led to industrialization in the country, leading to physical development
  • The countries socio-economic status has improved trade interactions.
  • Employment opportunities have been created for the locals reducing unemployment among individuals.
  • The advancement of the education system in Kenya has been enhanced due to additional courses in the production sector.
  • Development of other industries that deal with the production of dairy equipment has also emerged, improving the Kenyan market. 
  • High-quality milk has improved Kenyan nutritional standards to the common mwananchi
  • Development of research institutes on healthy milk production and handling have advanced scientific laboratory and other settings.
  • Development of infrastructure has been enhanced in terms of transport and communication network from the point of production.


Large scale dairy farming in Kenya is one of the lucrative businesses you can venture. With the increase demands of milk consumptions among the citizens, the use of smart dairy farming has boosted the value of the farming practice. Successful dairy farming has not just improved the peoples’ lifestyle but the country’s economic status.

The country has recorded several successful dairy farmers over the years. The dairy farmers have risen to the board of success despite challenges. Most of the farmers ventured into the business from a small-scale system and grew into establishing large-scale ventures.

Although the cost of setting up large scale dairy farming may be higher, good management and allocation of funds guarantee relatively good returns during the first harvest. The second harvest becomes better due to reduced expenses. Timely vaccination and careful attention are needed to protect the dairy cows from disease and pest attack. Proper feeding schedules of quality feed to the animals ensure high quality and quantity milk production. 


  1. How To Start A Dairy Farm In Kenya Successfully And Prosper
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  4. Successful Dairy Farming In Kenya | What It Takes To Succeed
  5. Small Scale Dairy Farming In Kenya | Startup Cost, Profits
  6. How Profitable Is Dairy Farming In Kenya | Calculated For You

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