Little Known Crops Making Kenyan Farmers Millionaires

These four little known crops making Kenyan farmers millionaires you need to know about. Majority of upcoming farmers may underestimate the potential profits from these crops yet they can make you wealthy.

Agriculture is one of Kenya’s most important industries. This is due to Kenya’s agribusiness-based economy. Agriculture is no longer regarded as a backwoods activity.

Today’s youth are actively involved in the development of agricultural goods and the expansion of enterprises. Agriculture has aided in the reduction of the country’s high unemployment rate.

These are the four little known crops that can make you a millionaire:

1 Black Night Shade

Managu ma kienyenji, as the vegetable is known in the local dialect, has become a lucrative enterprise for farmers, particularly in the central area. In West Pokot, the crop has also acquired popularity.

According to a recent article by the Kenya News Agency, Zubeda Lodawa makes enough money from a half-acre farm to support her eight children. She owes her income to high managu yields, despite the fact that the crop’s consumption is quite high.

According to Lodawa, a sack of black nightshade costs Ksh. 2,000 in a local market.

“The secret to harvesting longer from managu plants is on how one picks it. You should pluck the long suckers first and save the shorter ones for the next harvest. This way, the plant lasts longer and yields more,” an extract from a report titled 10 Rich Underutilised Crops in Kenya.

Benefits of Managu

  • Fibre-rich crop that assists with digestion
  • Increases the production of breast milk in nursing moms by causing hydration in the body.
  • Because it is high in iron, it is necessary for the production of blood and haemoglobin.

2 Dragon Fruit

Pitaya, commonly known as dragon fruit, has become one of Kenya’s most expensive fruits, with prices ranging from Ksh. 890 to Ksh. 3,000 per kilogram.

After 2015, dragon fruit farming in Kenya gained popularity and has since grown to become one of the highest-yielding fruits on the market for Kenyan farmers.

The fruits, which are brilliant red, purple, or yellow in color, are sometimes mistaken for cactus due to their spikey skin.

Due of its great worth, the dragon fruit is his most profitable fruit, he noted. In fact, dragon fruit price per kg in Kenya can cost Ksh. 3,000.

“I know of a store in this country that sells a kilo for Ksh3,000 and a kilo is only two fruits- so if he has an acre of land which produces 10,000 kilos, the kind of money he makes is mind-boggling,” Kinoti stated.

“The fruit is in high demand especially among Asian nationals in the country; I have orders for a weekly supply of two tons from a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi,” Acosta stated.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

  • Lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Improves the smoothness of the skin.
  • Aids diabetics in controlling their blood sugar levels.
  • Herbal tea is made from its roots, blossoms, and peels.
  • Its stem soap is used in the production of wine.
  • Juice, yoghurt, and smoothies may all be made using it.

3 Red Cowpeas alias Thoroko

Red cowpeas are a type of legume that has been eclipsed by other types of legumes, such as green peas.

The advantages of the veggies include their high protein content as well as their high fibre content in the leaves.

The veggies thrive in temperatures ranging from 20 to 35 degrees Celsius. They are advantageous since they do not require much rainfall, only around 200mm each season.

4 Gooseberries/Nathi

The fruits are uncommon on the market, but Kenyan farmers love them since they thrive in both wet and dry seasons.

There are two varieties of gooseberries: wild gooseberries and cape gooseberries. The latter turns golden when mature and is delicious, but wild gooseberries are yellow and sour.

The fruit develops in 12-14 weeks and may produce 5,000-8,000 kg per acre.

According to a Citizen TV segment on Gooseberry farming, a farmer with a quarter acre may plant 10 grams worth Ksh1,900, a farmer with a half acre-takes ten kilograms of berries costs Ksh2,800, and a farmer with an acre (40 grams) costs Ksh4,800.

Benefits of Gooseberries

  • Vitamins A, B, and C are abundant in this food.
  • Protein and phosphorus-rich.
  • Aids in the treatment of chronic illnesses such as cancer, leukemia, hepatitis, and diabetes.
  • The fruit’s leaves are used to make medicinal teas.
  • It’s also possible to make juice, jam, and wine.

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