Poultry Farming In Kenya | Farm Like A Pro Right Now

Poultry farming in Kenya is one of the best businesses that guarantee that excellent returns have been evident. Many successful businesses in poultry farming began from small-scale farming to grow into large companies. Today many farmers have embraced medium-scale and large-scale types of farming and reap impressive results.

Chicken farming in Kenya has emerged above other poultry birds to benefit the farmer within a hotter period. Chicken mature faster and have a ready market with higher demands. They are also cheaper, making them affordable to a large number of consumers. Chicken can be reared for both eggs and met by small-scale, medium-scale, and large-scale farmers.

The desire of every farmer is to become successful. Here are the tops on How To Succeed In Poultry Farming In Kenya.

Types Of Poultry Farming

Poultry farming in Kenya can be practice in two categories that you can click to read more.

Farmers with broilers tend to produce poultry meat only from mature poultry. Layer farming benefits the farmer with eggs, and the farmer can choose to sell them for meat once they outgrow the egg-laying period. Most of the rural small-scale farmers practice both layer and broiler farming methods.  

Types Of Chicken Farming Breeds

a. Pure Kienyeji

Pure Kienyeji Chicken is reared mainly through rural farmers in Kenya. The bread is cheaper to keep since its feeds can be supplemented by food refuse. They are only fed in the morning and the evening and left to roam in the fields for the rest of the day.

They are more resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions. Pure Kienyeji takes longer to mature because they use their energy looking for food. They lay eggs, sit on the eggs for three weeks, and after hatching, they care for their chicks for at least 6 weeks.

They are also more delicious and nutritious compare to other breeds. Read more about Poultry Farming In Kenya Kienyeji | Pro Tips You Must Know

b. Improved Kienyeji

Improved Kienyeji chicken has been done into KARI and Kurioler breeds. The version has more advantages over the pure kienyeji. The breed was developed in Kenya, with the researches being conducted carefully before releasing it into the Kenya market. The breed matures faster within a short period and grows bigger.

Improved Kienyeji are restricted to movements within a defined area; hence they do not lose much energy due to roaming. They are fixed on a strict feeding program with high hygienic measures observed. They lay more eggs that are bigger more frequently than the Kienyeji type.

The chicken neither sits on their eggs for hatching nor do they take care of the chicks due to lack of interest. They have a lifespan of about 72- 78 weeks.

How To Start A Poultry Farm

All beginners are advised to draw a work plan for the business to help them run the business confidently. The plan provides the direction and helps them gauge how much they have achieved. The farmers plan well for the allocation and management of funds.

Beginners do not have to wait for significant funds to begin the business because most successful Kenyan farmers today have all proved where their success story started.

They were all small-scale farmers who utilized the resources and opportunities available and made their way through. Small scale farmers with visions of growing in the business are encouraged to visit other successful poultry farms for better education on new management skills technology applied in the farm.

How To Successfully Manage Poultry Farming

If you are a beginner, you may like this article How To Start Poultry Farming In Kenya For Beginners. Let’s get to details.

Farm Management

Poor management of a poultry farm may lead to low production from the chicken and failure of the project. For a successful farmer to enjoy farm output, they should ensure the chicken is in good condition in terms of health. The farmer should purchase the good feeds of good quality from a trusted seller.


A lot of commitment, accuracy, and patience are needed from both the farmer and other employees for better results. The farmer should ensure the laborers have adequate training on handling the poultry before working to avoid unnecessary risks. The survival of the chicken also requires high hygienic conditions observed.

Labor Management

The farmer should provide all the workers with protective clothing and use of disinfectants applied effectively. No visitors should be allowed inside the chicken house; they should be allowed in all the hygienic conditions must be observed.


The proper vaccination should be done on a timely basis without delay to enhance disease resistance. Some of the diseases the poultry are vaccinated against include; Marek’s disease, new castles, and infectious bursal disease.  Check the chicken vaccination schedule here.

The one attending to the chicken should be keen to identify any of the poultry appearing to be sick and isolate them from others to avoid the spread of the infection. The environment should also be safe for the chicken, free from floods and predators.


Poultry farming in Kenya has a high potential of emerging to greater heights if adequately managed by the farmer. Poultry farming has a higher demand, especially for chicken products; therefore, it is up to the farmer to select a good place from which the farm can be located for better results.

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