When Is a Sweet Potato Ready to Harvest? (Harvesting & Curing)

Sweet potatoes are a warm-season plant that can withstand cold temperatures. Most of the time, they take between 90 and 120 days to be harvested. Sweet potatoes are good for humans because they provide them with vitamins A and C. They also contain anti-cancer properties, which may help the immune, gut, brain, and eye systems. Sweet potatoes protect our bodies since they contain high levels of fibre and antioxidants. 

Sweet potatoes are ready to harvest about 4 to 6 months after plantation, and this is the best time to harvest sweet potatoes. When you want to reap the sweet potatoes, there should be an indicator showing they are ready to harvest. One of the indicators is when you see that sweet potatoes’ foliage has changed from green to yellow and is beginning to die; at this point, the color will be black.

Can You Harvest Sweet Potatoes Too Early?

Yes, you can harvest the sweet potatoes early. However, it is not advisable because the tuber will have less flavor when compared to the whole grown sweet potatoes.

The other reason is when you harvest sweet potatoes early, they will easily spoil. In this case, when you want to harvest your sweet potatoes, consider the physical appearance of their leaves. When the leaves change to yellow, they are ready to be harvested.

Can You Leave Sweet Potatoes in the Ground Too Long? 

No. It’s not recommended to leave your sweet potatoes in the ground for a long time. This is because if you do not harvest your potatoes, the plant may die. They will rot when the soil is wet, and when the ground is frozen, it may cause your plants to die.

When you are late to harvest, ensure the climate is warm and dry, allowing your tubers to survive and sprout again during the winter.

How Many Sweet Potatoes Do You Get From One Plant? 

There is a probability of harvesting about three to six (3–6) sweet potatoes per plant, which are about 1–3 pounds, but it mostly depends on the climate and the season you planted.

When you want to plant sweet potatoes, the best season is spring, when the ground thaws. After the last spring frost, when the ground freezes in your location, plant them a month later.

How Long Should Sweet Potatoes Sit After Harvest? 

The sweet potatoes can last for almost three weeks after harvest and before consumption, permitting the starches to change to sugar and be ready to be eaten. When you have harvested your sweet potatoes, you must have the best way to preserve them so they don’t stay longer than required. 

You might be wondering whether sweet potatoes need to cure after harvest. Yes. Sweet potatoes should be cured after harvest to enable them to last longer. Curing the sweet potatoes will help prevent them from getting germs which generally make the sweet potatoes get bad quickly. When you cure the potatoes, the starches in them will be converted to sugar which will help them to stay for about 3-6 weeks in proper storage.

The curing of sweet potatoes should be done before you wash them. Curing helps sweet potatoes heal the cuts and bruises that occur when you harvest and handle them. When it’s time to cure your sweet potatoes, avoid raising them since it may lead to roots due to the extra moisture being introduced.

Should You Wash Sweet Potatoes Before Storing?

 No. You should not wash your sweet potatoes before storing them after harvesting. When you wash them, it will be easy to get germs on them and cause them to spoil. When you wash your sweet potatoes and store them for some time, you might see some roots sprouting because of the moisture.

When you want to clean the sweet potatoes before storing them, you should use a dry cloth to remove the remaining soil before you store them. When storing sweet potatoes, you should avoid storing them in the refrigerator, where they may introduce an unpleasant taste. The best way to store sweet potatoes is in a basement or root cellar, but you must avoid a vital heat source.

Do Sweet Potato Vines Come Back Every Year? 

Yes, sweet potato vines come up every year when they are kept in a warm place. However, sweet potato vines cannot tolerate much colder because they may die back when the temperature exceeds 600 °F. 

How Do I Save Sweet Potatoes to Plant Next Year? 

To save sweet potatoes for planting next year, you save the roots from crops. Place them in a moist box, add sawdust, and keep them at room temperature between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. Once you see the roots sprout and reach about 5-10 inches, cut them off

How Do You Dry Sweet Potatoes After Harvesting? 

To dry your sweet potatoes after harvest, you need to arrange them on a dehydrator tray and utilize a mesh liner to prevent them from failing via the holes when it shrinks. Then, it would be best to dehydrate at a temperature of 1250 °F. For about 7–13 hours, the sweet potatoes will be whole-dried.

How Do You Store Freshly Dug Sweet Potatoes? 

When you want to store freshly dug sweet potatoes, you should place them in an area with enough air circulation to keep them dry. They also should have a uniform temperature of between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Your sweet potatoes might spoil when you store them at temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

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