Where Do Avocados Grow in Kenya? Suitable Climatic Conditions

 Avocado farming is among the most agricultural practices carried out in Kenya. Avocados do well in various places in Kenya due to the best climate conditions. But where do avocados grow? Keep reading to find out where avocado grow in Kenya and the factors making the regions better for growing avocados.

Avocados are grown in Central Kenya, Eastern Kenya, the Central Rift Valley, the lower Nyanza, and Western Kenya. Also, in Eastern Kenya, avocados do well in Kangundo, Mau Hills, and Kathiani ( Iveti hills), parts of Mbooni, all in Machakos, and high potential areas of Embu and Meru.

Kenya’s major avocado growing areas include Murang’a, Thika, Embu, Nyeri, Kiambu, Meru, Kisii, Nakuru, Naivasha, some parts of the North Rift, Machakos, lower Nyanza, and Western Kenya.

These areas are suitable for avocado farming because of the following five factors:

1. Enough Sunlight

Avocados need a lot of light in order to do well. The region receives enough sunshine for the growth of avocados, which is six hours per day. Too much radiation, however, causes scorching of leaves and fruits.

2. Well Distributed Rainfall

These areas’ climate conditions are good since they receive well-distributed rainfall throughout the year. Avocados can do well in areas with different rainfall conditions. However, the amount of rainfall should be an average of 1,000-1,600 mm per year.

Too much rain during flowering stage leads to shedding of flowers thus resulting into low yields.

3. Cool and Warm Temperatures

The temperature is cool and warm, which encourages avocado growth. The minimum temperature should not fall below 7 degrees, while the maximum should not go beyond 20 degrees. Avocados cannot survive in temperatures that are above 36 degrees.

4. Well Drained Soil

The soil is medium sandy and loam that is well drained. Avocados are sensitive to waterlogging, so the soil should have good drainage. Suitable soils should have a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. Additionally, these areas have fertile soil that supplies all the nutrients necessary for the growth of avocados.

5. Favorable Wind

Strong winds may lead to breakages of avocado trees, falling of fruits and flowers. The wind therefore should be favorable to ensure the avocados grow well without any damages.

Avocado Farming in Western Kenya

Western Kenya is among the regions actively practicing avocado farming in Kenya. The Western region has the best climatic conditions suitable for the growth of avocados. The area receives enough rainfall throughout the year, and the soil is primarily loamy with cool and warm temperatures.

Farmers in the Western region plant all varieties of avocado, like Hass avocado and indigenous varieties. Avocado seeds are planted in nylon pots mixed with loam soil and well-composed manure. After that, the seedlings are transplanted on prepared land.

Avocados are grown in all parts of the Western region for consumption or sale in local markets.

How Long Do Avocados Take to Grow in Kenya

Avocado take about three to four years to grow to maturity in Kenya. This is the time they take to reach the production stage and it depends on the avocado variety and soil fertility.

Avocado trees that are three to four years old yield about 300-400 kg fruits per acre. Those that are older than five years produce about 800-1000 kg fruits. Therefore the production of avocados depend with the age of the tree with older trees producing more fruits.

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