Where to Sell Tree Tomatoes in Kenya | Grow Tree Tomatoes for a Living

Before delving deeper into the main concerns, let us first define “tree tomatoes.” This is a flowering shrub that produces egg-shaped fruits high in vitamins A and C. The fruits are very important because they play an important role in maintaining the skin’s health.

One of the most significant advantages of the tree tomato is that it takes approximately 1 to 2 years to grow and bear fruit. If you are considering starting a tree tomato business, you should do so.

Well, there are a lot of places where you can sell tree tomatoes in Kenya.

Here are a few mentioned places:

  1. Mkulima Young.
  2. Local market.
  3. Facebook. 

Mkulima Young, for instance, can link you with brokers that will buy your tree tomatoes.

Successful tree tomato farmers in Kenya have made it simply by working hard and being patient. Tree tomatoes have provided a significant source of income for many successful farmers.

As a result, in order to succeed, you must be determined and patient. That is what determines the success of the Tree tomato in Kenya.

Price of Tree Tomatoes in Kenya

Tree tomato prices per kg in Kenya retail at an average price of about Ksh.70 to Ksh.90.

Tree Tomato Farming

1. Spacing

Tree tomato spacing in Kenya should be at least 3 metres between the rows and about 2.5 metres between the plants. 

2. Seedlings

For you to plant tree tomatoes, you need to have the seedlings.

Tree tomato seedlings in Kenya can be purchased at any farm near you. The seedlings are better off than planting the seeds themselves. 

Find tree tomato seedlings for sale near you, conduct the purchase, plant them and wait for the amazing results as time goes by. 

3. Intercropping

Intercropping tree tomatoes can be done and is recommended. You can intercrop with different plants, and you will be able to get a double yield. 

Tree tomato farming in Kenya has been somewhat popular over the past years. A lot of farmers in that field have testified on how good the venture is. You can take the initiative of conducting the farming without really hesitating. 

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