Which is the Best Chicken to Rear in Kenya? Top 8 Best Breeds

Chicken farming is among the best farming businesses into which one can venture. Chicken rearing tends to be much more profitable and cheaper than other farming activities like livestock keeping. One of the most exciting things about chickens is that some are good producers of both meat and eggs. There are, however, different types of chicken to rear. As a farmer, you need to select the best to be sure of earning many profits.

Since there are many different types of chicken, some are considered among the best to rear. In this review, I will mention eight recommended chicken breeds that are among the best:

  1. Kari Breed
  2. White Commercial Broiler
  3. Rainbow rooster
  4. Kimbro
  5. Commercial Layer Breed
  6. Kuroiler
  7. Sasso
  8. Parent-stock breeding stock line.

How to Successfully Start Chicken Rearing in Kenya

Since chicken rearing is a profitable business opportunity that you can venture into, there are some things that you have to put into consideration before starting it. In this blog, I will list and explain eight things to consider before you begin to rear your chicken:

  1. Always Have Enough Capital

Capital is a critical requirement in any activity. When starting a chicken farming business, you need to raise enough capital for the start-up costs. Capital is significant since it will help in the general management and running of the business. However, it would be best to always source enough capital to make the flow smoother. You can source the capital from relatives, friends, and family.

  1. Look for Enough Land

Among the basic factors of production is land. Having land is fundamental since that is where you will set up your farm. For instance, if you want to venture into large-scale chicken farming, it would be best to find a large piece of land.

On the other hand, a small piece of land is acceptable if you are venturing into small-scale farming. As a necessity, it would help if you had a large portion. This is because you can expand your premises at any time.

  1. Know Where to Locate Your Farm

The location of the farm matters a lot in this activity. A good farm should be located near the market. A farm near the market becomes more advantageous than one far away from the market.

For instance, transportation costs are reduced when the farm is near the market. On the other hand, the prices tend to be high if the farm is far away.

  1. Always Draft a Business Plan

There is always a need to draft a business plan before you begin your business. The same applies when you want to start rearing chickens. The plan will help you organize your business well, thus minimizing confusion. Also, the business plan will help you know the profits that may arise after a particular time. Hence, it is recommended that you get a plan to run a successful business.

  1. Construct a House for Your Chicken

Since chickens are living things, there is a need for them to live in better environments. For instance, you need to build the birds a good home. However, the house built should meet certain conditions for productivity to be increased. Some of these conditions are that it should be well-lit, ventilated, spacious, and warm.

  1. Select a Breed to Rear

It would be best to select the best breed of chicken to rear on your farm. When choosing the species, you should consider egg and meat production, growth rate, and disease resistance. By following the provided recommendations, you can be sure to run a successful farm.

  1. Buy the Required Feeds

For growth purposes, your chicken will need to be fed well. Therefore, before starting your activity, you should always consider buying the feeds. These feeds include: chick mash, layer mash, growers mash, and kienyeji mash. You should provide the meals appropriately depending on the age of the chickens.

  1. Find Market for Your End Products

It is important to have a market for your end products. The ready market will increase the profit rates and lead to a quick expansion of the premises. If you have focused on broiler farming, you can decide to find butcheries, hotels, or restaurants where you can make the sales. With the market, you can be sure of beginning a successful chicken farming business.

Selecting the Best Chicken Breed

If you want to focus on broiler farming, you can always consider getting the best chicken breed for meat in Kenya. Having the best breed is an assurance of greater profits and higher productivity rates.

You should know how to select the best kienyeji chicken in Kenya. Even though there are different kienyeji chicken breeds in Kenya, picking the one with the best productivity rates is important. This is because you will earn a lot from it, making you successful.

Various Chicken Breeds

  1. Rhode Island red chicken in Kenya is available. The chickens are ideal for free-ranging feeding. It is also a hybrid of Malay rooster, light Brahma, Chinese cochin, and Java. This chicken’s egg production is good, and egg size increases with age.
  2. Jersey giant chicken in Kenya can be purchased from popular chicken farms nationwide. The chicken is also known for its better production and is recommended to be reared.
  3. Kari improved kienyeji chicken is a breed of chicken known for both egg and meat production. The species, however, does not sit on eggs. They are, however, productive and are considered profitable to rear.
  4. Sussex chicken in Kenya is widely available. The chickens are easy to rear since they can be fed on a free-range basis. In addition, you can raise them on a small farm and still end up earning profits.

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