Best Fertilizer for Sukuma Wiki in Kenya | Kale Farming Secrets

Sukuma wiki, commonly called “green collards,” is often mistaken for kale and is a common vegetable consumed daily in most Kenyan homes. Sukuma wiki is the cheapest and most accessible vegetable to grow. Moreover, they adapt to most of the environmental and soil conditions in many parts of the country. However, fertilizer is a crucial component in their production. This article will go over how to select the best fertilizer for your Sukuma Wiki farming.

While choosing a fertilizer, you should remember that Sukuma wiki is mainly planted for its leaves. Therefore, it is essential to use a fertilizer that stimulates vegetative growth, such as fertilizers with nitrogen.

Here are the four best fertilizers for Sukuma Wiki:

1. DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate)

DAP is a fertilizer made of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are two of the 18 essential nutrients and the primary macronutrients needed by plants, and works best when applied during planting. 

4. Reasons Why DAP is the Best Fertilizer for Sukuma wiki in Kenya

1. DAP is a Good Fertilizer in Soils with High pH

DAP is a good source of nitrogen, which works well in soils with high pH since the bacteria will convert the nitrogen into nitrates, resulting in a gradual reduction in soil pH.

2. DAP is an Excellent Source of Phosphorus for Sukuma wiki

DAP is mainly made up of a higher percentage of phosphorus, making it an excellent supplier of phosphorus to your Sukuma wiki.

3. DAP Helps to Establish the Sukuma Wiki Root 

DAP supplies the Sukuma wiki with sufficient phosphorus nutrients, which are fundamental in establishing the Sukuma wiki roots during the early stages of germination. 

4. DAP is a Reliable Starter Fertilizer for Sukuma Wiki

DAP is a reliable starter fertilizer for planting because its relatively high phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations and excellent physical properties make it outstanding for Sukuma wiki production. 

2. TSP (Triple Super Phosphate) Fertilizer

4 Reasons Why TSP is the Best Fertilizer for Sukuma wiki in Kenya

TSP has a higher percentage of nitrogen with a smaller percentage of calcium and can be applied directly to the soil, making it an ideal fertilizer to be used as a single nutrient for Sukuma wiki production. 

1. TSP contains about 15 percent calcium, which is vital in providing additional plant nutrients to the Sukuma wiki.

2. TSP is made up of over 90% of total phosphorous, which is highly soluble in water, thus making it rapidly available for quick uptake by the Sukuma wiki.

3. TSP fertilizer supplements a combination of calcium and phosphorus to Sukuma wiki, helping improve the plant’s general health.

4. TSP fertilizers are the best fertilizer for Sukuma wiki production, especially in soils with low pH.

3. Manure Fertilizer

Manure is an important fertilizer that responds very well to the Sukuma wiki, which helps increase its general productivity.

5 Reasons Why Manure Is the Best Fertilizer for Sukuma Wiki in Kenya

1. Manure is eco-friendly and contains no toxic substances for either nature, animals, or humans. 

2. Manure helps improve the sukuma wiki’s health since it releases nutrients slowly to the plant and stays longer in the soil. 

3. Manure provides organic matter that is fundamental to maintaining the soil structure.

4. Manure helps increase the soil’s aeration and water retention capacity.

5. The humus in manures provides the Sukuma wiki with mulch, thus reducing the evapotranspiration rate during the dry seasons.

4. NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium) Fertilizer 

NPK is a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential to the productivity of the sukuma wiki as well as their vegetative quality. 

5 Reasons why NPK is the Best Fertilizer for Sukuma Wiki in Kenya

1. NPK Has Potassium That Promotes the Quality of Sukuma Wiki

NPK provides the sukuma wiki with potassium, which is essential in determining its characteristics.

2. NPK Fertilizer Has a Compound That Allows Storage and Energy Use in Plants

The nitrogen in the NPK fertilizer is a significant component of amino acids, the basis of protein; it also aids in the compound that allows the use and storage of energy.

3. NPK Fertilizer Has Phosphorous that Encourages the Sukuma Wiki Growth 

NPK fertilizer contains phosphorous, which is responsible for sukuma wiki and encourages root growth and blooming.

4. NPK Fertilizer Is Required for Metabolic Action in Plants

NPK fertilizer has nitrogen, a key component in carrying out various plant metabolic processes by allowing chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis and increase the green colour matter in the Sukuma wiki leaves. 

5. NPK Fertilizer Contributes to Healthy and Quality Sukama Wiki leaves 

NPK has phosphorous, which plays a significant role in the sukumawiki’s health and growth since it contributes to the structural strength and crop quality.

Fertilizer Ratio for sukumawiki

Apply DAP fertilizer or double superphosphate (DSP) fertilizer, triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizer, or 1.5 tons of well-rotten manure that can be blended into fertilizers during planting. Sukumawiki requires fertilizer in the ratio 10:10:10, giving your crop an evenly spread boost. 

During the top dressing, two split applications of CAN are recommended to replenish the soil’s nutrient status. The first split is applied at 40 kg per acre (20 g CAN per plant) when the plant is 20 cm tall. The second split application is used at a rate of 80 kg per acre 3 weeks later; the placement method is recommended as it is more effective and economical.

Dos and Don’ts When Applying Fertilizer on Sukuma Wiki

Compared to vegetables, sukuma wiki is the easiest vegetable to plant. It has several economic advantages for you as a farmer, but there are several factors you should consider while planting or before your sukuma wiki.

Below are four dos and don’ts while fertilizing sukuma wiki 

1. Avoid Wet Manure 

Wet manure should be avoided because it may contain harmful bacteria that can infect the sukuma wiki or cause the rotting of its stems and roots.

2. Ensure Manure Is Free of Pests and Diseases

Inspect your manure well before using it; it is prone to diseases and cutworms that might affect the sukuma wiki and cause wilting.

3. When Using Manure, Apply Early Before Planting

Manure’s early application helps expose harmful bacteria and pests that might affect sukuma wiki production.

4. Ensure Soil Is Well Drained

Sukuma wiki has shallow roots and requires well-drained soil to ensure smooth growth and obtain nutrients.

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