How Do You Manage Kienyeji Chicken? Vaccination, Feeding

Many Kenyans commonly practice chicken farming. Most Kenyans see chicken farming as simple to practice and carry out effectively. A farmer needs to manage it well for kienyeji chicken farming to be effective.

Ensure kienyeji chickens are properly fed and controlled against the disease outbreak. Proper feeding makes kienyeji chicken survive. A farmer should ensure a steady supply of protein, energy, vitamins, minerals, and water for good performance. Also, a farmer needs to make sure chickens are appropriately vaccinated as it is required.

Kienyeji chicken should be kept in a well-structured house. This house should be protected from predators and be free from environmental extremes. The house must be well ventilated, light inside, clean and easy to clean.

Kienyeji Chicken Vaccination Schedule 

Kienyeji Chicken can be hardy, but still get sick and be infected by poultry disease. For a farmer to prevent this type of disease, chickens need to be vaccinated accordingly. The following kienyeji chicken vaccination schedule per time against this critical disease:

  1. Day One

When chicks at the hatchery are vaccinated against Marek’s disease by subcutaneous injection, it is because it is a viral disease which spreads to white blood cells faster. If not vaccinated, chickens can die.

  1. Day 10

Chicks are given the first dose of Gumboro disease in boiled water.

  1. Day 18

They are given a second dose of Gumboro disease in boiled water.

  1. Week 3

Chickens are vaccinated against Newcastle disease. They give the first dose on boiled water. Newcastle is a virus that spreads quickly in the body since it affects red blood cells, leading to death.

Also, chickens in hot areas are vaccinated against fowl pox on the wing slab.

  1. Week 6

Vaccinate against fowl pox on the wing slab, especially in areas that are not hot.

  1. Week 8

Kienyeji chickens are given the second dose of Newcastle and vaccinated against fowl typhoid through eye drops, drinking water, or intramuscular injection.

  1. Week 18

They should be given a third dose of Newcastle through eye drops or drinking water, repeated every three months.

  1. Week 19

Dewormed using drinking water, and it should be repeated every three months.

Kienyeji Chicken Feeding Chart

Feeding kienyeji chicken is important because it makes the chicken grow faster and healthier. Chickens need feed that contains energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water. Feeding a chicken will change depending on the age and status of the chicken. As shown, there are different types of chicken feed given at different ages.

Day 1 to 8 Weeks 

Chicks are given kienyeji chick mash containing high protein. From week one, give each chick 15 grams per day; week two, 20 grams per day; week three, 35 grams per day, and from week four to eight, 50 grams per day.

From Week 8 to Week to 19

Chicken is given kienyeji growers mash, which helps in gaining weight. Each chick is given around 80 to 100 grams per day.

From 20 Weeks Onwards

They are given kienyeji layer mash to improve egg production in laying chickens. Each chicken should get about 120 to 140 grams each day.

Kienyeji Chicken Business Plan

It is necessary for a farmer to plan before starting to rear kienyeji chickens. A Kienyeji chicken business plan is essential because it shows specific goals a farmer wants to achieve and how to achieve them.

7 Reasons Why Kienyeji Business Plan is Important

  1. It helps a farmer prepare for the future. It allows you to know what to expect in the future when they start laying eggs. Also, show how to handle challenges that might arise.
  2. It allows you to stay on track. A business plan helps a farmer not to do any other ideas other than those planned activities.
  3. It enables you to organize and put down your thoughts on kienyeji chicken. It helps to put your thoughts on chicken farming in a structured way. Also, writing down your ideas will help you know what will work and what will not.
  4. It helps to know how much money is needed. A well-planned business will assist a farmer in knowing how much money is required to start and run chicken farming.
  5. It helps to establish milestones in chicken farming. Milestones are essential stages that chickens will pass through for success. This will encourage a farmer to stay on course to pursue the plan.
  6. It helps you understand your customers better. A planned business helps a farmer to understand customers better and how to serve them.
  7. It assists you in understanding your competition. The Kienyeji chicken business plan encourages farmers to know what their competition is doing and what they can do to get shares in the market.

Pure Kienyeji Chicken Farming in Kenya

Pure kienyeji chicken is an indigenous breed that has been practiced for a long time up to date. It is kept by most farmers in rural areas in Kenya. Pure kienyeji chicken is resistant to diseases and its meat tastes good.

Feeding pure kienyeji chicken is easier because it is mainly kept on free-range where it grazes on feeds found on the ground when scratching, in the compost pit, and fresh clean water is provided. It is advisable to vaccinate them because it will strengthen their immune systems.

Pure kienyeji chicken may take a long time to mature depending on the system used for feeding. Mostly, it takes about 9 to 12 months to develop.

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