How Long Does a Sheep Take to Mature in Kenya? How to Fatten Up Lambs

In Kenya, sheep farming is the raising of domestic livestock animals and is commonly done on both large-scale and small-scale farms. To ensure faster growth and maturity, the sheep should be fed properly on a balanced and healthy diet. But how long does it take to mature? This article elaborates on the period a sheep takes to mature in Kenya.

Sheep take a period of five to six months to mature, depending on the type or breed of sheep. For instance, in Kenya, a female sheep takes six months to reach maturity while a male sheep takes five months. You can raise sheep for a period of six to twelve months before a sheep reaches the recommended weight to be slaughtered.

Male sheep start to breed at the age of five to seven months. The age at which female sheep get pregnant depends on the breed, genetics, weight, and nutrition of the sheep. Therefore, a female sheep can get pregnant at the age of six to seven months when she experiences her first heat.

How Long are Sheep Pregnant in Months

Even though there are over 200 varieties of sheep, all ewes are always pregnant for nearly the same period of time.

Sheep are pregnant for an estimated period of five months. The gestation period is approximated to 146 days, however, normal sheep gestation can be between 142 and 152 days.

5 Ways to Make Lambs Grow Faster

Lambs need a lot of tension for them to grow healthy and faster. To make them grow faster, the following are five things that one should do:

1. Feed the lamb with a balanced diet. The feed given to the lamb should contain all the required nutrients like energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins, and also water.

2. When feeding lamb, you should increase the amount of feed gradually since drastic change results in stress for the lamb, hence poor growth.

3. Treat and vaccinate your lamb against internal and external parasites.

4. Provide the lamb with adequate shelter. This means the lamb should have enough pen space, good ventilation, be free from exposure to the elements and be kept cool.

5. Feed the lamb with high-quality forages, which can be pastures or hay.

6. You can choose to supplement the lamb with concentrate, but slowly.

7 Ways to Fatten Up Lamb Fast

To make lamb fatten up fast, the following are seven ways one should practice and ensure:

1. When feeding, increase the grain ration gradually.

2. Provide plenty of fresh and clean water daily.

3. Monitor your lamb’s weight by weighing it weekly.

4. Add probiotic supplements to the feed or water, like Rooster Booster B12, which add essential vitamins.

5. Use high-quality forages like legume grass silage, hay and alfalfa.

6. Lamb should do exercises early in the morning and late in the evening making it to build muscles.

7. Vaccinate and treat the lamb to control internal and external parasites and deworm them to prevent pest attacks.

Successful Sheep Farmers in Kenya

Many farmers in Kenya are increasing considering raising sheep on either small or large scale. Many farmers earn a living as a result of commercial sheep farming.

Below are some of the few successful sheep farmers in Kenya:

1. Charles Kalili

Charles is one of the successful sheep farmers from Mwingi. He buys his sheep from International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and raise them in his farm where he has build a water pan where he harvest water for his sheep.

Charles sells a mature ewe at a cost of between Ksh. 7,000 to Ksh. 8,000 while a mature ram he sells at cost between Ksh. 9,000 to Ksh. 8,000.

2. Bernard Njaramba

Bernard, who lives in Machakos, gave up his job to start an exotic Dorper sheep breeding business. From South Africa, he brought seven pregnant ewes and three breeding lambs. His eight-month-old lambs weigh between 45 and 50 kilograms, while a mature ewe weighs between 100 and 115 kilograms.

Bernard sells a four-month-old pure South African weaner ram for Ksh. 70,000, a four-month-old ewe for Ksh. 18,000, and a mature ram for mutton for Ksh. 15,000.

6 Tips for Successful Sheep Farming

In order to ensure a successful sheep farming business, a farmer should ensure that the following six tips are well covered:

1. Draw a Business Plan

Before starting a sheep farming business, farmers should draw up a business plan that helps to increase the chances of success.

2. Know the Aim of Going into Sheep Farming

To be a successful sheep farmer, you should know and figure out the reason why you are venturing into sheep farming.

3. Select Suitable Farm Location 

You should choose a suitable farm that should have enough grass, be near sources of water, and be easily accessible for proper marketing.

4. Choose Healthy Sheep Breed

Select a suitable breed that can adapt to your region where you will carry out farming, since not all breeds are suitable in all areas. Also, depending on your aim, choose a breed either for meat or wool production.

5. Feeding 

Feeding is essential for successful sheep farming. Therefore, feed sheep with high-quality feed to make them healthy and productive.

6. Proper Housing

Construct a proper and well ventilated house for sheep. This provides shelter for sheep to protect them from adverse weather conditions.

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