How Much Does Rabbit Meat Cost in Kenya? Popular Breeds

Rabbit farming is one of the most lucrative agribusinesses in Kenya. It is gaining popularity because it is less costly compared to other livestock. This blog will show you how much rabbit meat costs in Kenya.

The price of rabbit meat depends on the location and quality of the meat. One kilo of rabbit meat costs between Ksh. 700 and Ksh. 1000, depending on the quality.

The cost of rabbit meat goes for Ksh. 500 per kilo on average in Kenya.

The price of rabbit meat per kilo is Ksh. 650 in Kenya, especially at Naivas supermarket.

How to Keep Rabbits in Kenya 

Rabbit farming in Kenya is one of the domestic animals being raised by farmers. Rabbit farming is gaining popularity because of its less demanding requirements and high returns.

Rabbits are kept in cages which have enough space with proper ventilation, lighting, heating, and cooling systems. The cage should have feeders and drinkers.

Popular Rabbit Breeds Raised in Kenya

In Kenya, there are several rabbit breeds being raised. The following are the most popular rabbit breeds raised in Kenya:

1. California. 

2. Chinchilla.

3. New Zealand White. 

4. Flemish giant. 

5. Angola.

6. Ear lops.

7. Dutch.

Chinchilla is the most preferred for its large mature weight, and New Zealand and California are popular for their fur and meat.

Gestation Period of Rabbit

A rabbit has a short gestation period of less than one month, which is between 28 and 31 days, and a female rabbit can give birth to two to eight bunnies at a time. Rabbits mature between four and five months and reproduce almost eight times a year.

Feeding rabbits in Kenya is at least twice a day. They feed on grass, young herbs, crop residue as well as kitchen waste like green and dry grass, cabbage and banana leaves, and food such as ugali. Also, rabbits consume 25 grams of pellets a day and 2.25 kg of pellets in 90 days.

6 Benefits of Rabbit Farming in Kenya 

Rabbit farming in Kenya has the following six benefits for commercial purposes:

1. Rabbits are growing faster, reaching maturity fast and becoming suitable for slaughter within 4 to 5 months.

2. Rabbits have a gestation period, and each female rabbit gives birth to two to eight kids after two months.

3. Starting a rabbit farm requires little capital and investment since you can start in a small ventilated space.

4. All people can easily consume and digest rabbit meat because it is a very tasty and nutritious food.

5. Feeding rabbits is not costly because you can feed them on grass and plant leaves with their regular commercial feed.

6. Rabbit farming can be a source of income and employment because you can sell grown rabbits.

Factors Affecting the Price of Rabbits in the Market

There are five factors affecting the rabbit market price. They include;

1. When the rabbit has a high rate of reproduction, the price will be high.

2. The price of rabbits will depend on their early maturity.

3. Rabbits that have a rapid growth rate gain more capital.

4. When there is a low level of existing technology in rabbit rearing, it will affect the price in the market.

5. If there is low access to markets and marketing information, it will affect the rabbit price.

6 Advantages of Rabbit Meat

Rabbit meat has various advantages and disadvantages for farmers. The following are six advantages of eating rabbit meat:

1. It is one of the best white meats available on the market.

2. Rabbit meat has a high percentage of easily digestible protein.

3. The ratio of meat to bone is high, meaning there is more edible meat on the carcass.

 4. It contains the least amount of fat.

5. It is cholesterol-free and thus heart patients’ friendly.

6. Rabbit meat contributes to a good balance of vitamins and minerals in daily diet requirements.

4 Disadvantages of Rabbit Meat

The four disadvantages to eating rabbit meat include:

1. Excessive use of rabbit meat can lead to protein poisoning due to the high amount of protein.

2. Rabbit meat might carry zoonotic diseases that can be passed to humans.

3. Producing rabbit meat for sale can be costly compared to buying other meat products on the market. 

4. Most people consider rabbits as domesticated animals, so encouraging them to eat rabbit meat is challenging since they see rabbits more as pets than as food.

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