Sweet Potato Slips How to Plant | Growing Sweet Potatoes from Slips

Sweet potato slips are rooted sprouts from a mature sweet potato for transplanting. You should plant the sweet potatoes in slips because they are not grown from seeds. When planting sweet potato slips, consider the climatic season, as slips should be planted on a warm, overcast day when the temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. 

There are different steps you should follow to be able to grow sweet potatoes from slips. Consider the following four steps below:

1. Planting slips should be 2–5 inches deep, with at least two leaves on the ground.

2. Each row should be spaced 10-15 inches apart.

3. They should be at least 5 feet apart.

4. The transplanting should be done in the evening if the day is sunny.

Can I Plant Sweet Potato Slips Directly in Soil? 

Yes. When the soil is moist, the sweet potato slips will develop roots and start growing. When you plant the tags directly in the ground, you need to dig a hole about 2–5 inches deep and 10–15 inches apart in a row. The rows should be at least 5 feet apart. Sweet potatoes need loose, well-drained soil to form large tubers.

How Do You Grow Sweet Potatoes From a Slip? 

To grow sweet potatoes from slips, there are some steps you should follow to succeed. Consider the following five steps below:

1. Have a bucket of about 5 to 7 inches in height and about 10 inches wide.

2. Set the vines at a distance of 3 feet apart to allow them to run.

3. Grow your slips in warm soil at temperatures around 130 °C (550 °F).

4. Cut off the lower leaves and remain with the top leaves.

5. Insert the slips down enough for rooting, leave a space for the stem, and water for about 6–10 days to ensure your slips root well.

When Should I Plant My Sweet Potato Slips?

Sweet potato slips should be planted in the spring, which typically occurs between March and May. The spring season is a warm climatic season; thus, it’s suitable for growing sweet potatoes. It’s advisable to plant your sweet potato slips in the evening when the temperature ranges between 13 and 15 degrees Celsius.

Do Sweet Potato Slips Need Full Sun?

No. Sweet potato slips do not need full sun; however, they will need at least 5 hours of sun per day when they are still young and around 8 hours per day when they mature. Note that when the soil is too hot, the slips will take time to root, so when it is too sunny, ensure you water your slides in the evening.

How Often Do You Water Sweet Potato Slips? 

You should water your sweet potato slips daily during the first week. In the second week, you will be required to water every day to establish your plants. When the plants have been installed, you can now rinse them once a week. For the other week, you can leave them for a while, but if you leave them on a sunny day, they will reduce the production of tubers.

Can You Save Sweet Potato Slips for Next Year?

Yes. It’s possible to store slips for next year because they can last for around 5–10 months when handled with care. The ornamental sweet potato slips will come back every year when you live in warm climatic conditions, but when you leave them in hot conditions, eventually, they will dry.

How Do You Keep Sweet Potato Slips Alive in the Winter? 

To keep your sweet potato slips alive during the winter season, you need to keep the slips either in a container, bucket, or box. Cover them with a blanket to keep sunlight out and keep them in a dark place.

The temperature should range between 50 and 600 °C because the slips might dry up when it rises higher.

How Many Sweet Potato Slips Can You Plant in a Container?

One container can hold up to three slips, but it mainly depends on the size of the container. You should not plant many slips in one container because the leaves will not be free when they sprout.

To plant sweet potato slips in a container, you should have a good soil mixture that includes sand, fertilizer, and compost.

Can I Plant Sweet Potato Slips in October? 

No. Sweet potatoes should not be planted in October because it is a cold season (autumn), and sweet potatoes should be grown in the spring. Autumn is a time to harvest, not to plant, since it’s a cold season where the temperature is cooler and your potato slip may dry.

You may be wondering how fast sweet potato slips grow. The slips will develop roots within two weeks and start growing, provided the soil is kept moist. The sweet potato vines will explode for about four weeks and cover the ground with their dense foliage.

How Long Can I Leave Sweet Potato Slips in Water?

You can leave your sweet potato slips in water for about 10–15 days. The slips should be in the water until you see some roots developing, and the new slips will be ready to plant.

When you leave your sweet potato slips in the water, ensure the water is cold to help them from drying out.

What Do You Do With Sweet Potato Slips Before Planting? 

You should keep your sweet potato slips in water for about two weeks before planting them. Placing them in a moistened container or jar refilled with water would be best. The soil in the container should be kept moist for the slips to submerge their roots easily.

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