Zero Grazing Sheep Farming in Kenya | How to Carry Out Zero Grazing

Sheep farming in Kenya is most of the domestic animals being carried out in different places. Sheep can be kept in different ways in Kenya. Zero grazing is one way to keep sheep where they are kept in a pen and feed and water are normally provided. This article shows how to start and carry out zero grazing sheep farming in Kenya.

The following is a guide on how to carry out zero grazing sheep farming in Kenya:

1. Sheep Business Plan

Before you start sheep farming, make sure you have planned well and work according to the plan. A sheep’s business plan should contain all that is necessary for the business to run smoothly.

A properly developed business plan will boost confidence in farming and provide a roadmap for achieving your business goals.

2. Ideal Area

Sheep need a dry climate, so suitable areas for sheep farming should be dry places. It has no problem with low temperatures during the rainy season. The relative humidity should not be high, hence, low rainfall areas and coastal regions are not suitable for sheep farming. 

Apart from the climate, select an area that has sufficient land and water to grow green fodder. In the case of transport, the area should be easily accessible.

Also, the area has enough space and should not be far away from local markets.

3. Choose Sheep Breed 

Choose the correct sheep breed that can survive on zero grazing units. Not all sheep are suitable for all climates, so choose sheep that can adapt to the area selected for farming. Also, select quality sheep’s bread according to your desired production purpose.

Rams and ewes should be kept in separate houses and only send the ram to the herd of ewes that are ready for mating.

The popular breeds that you can carry out are:

1. Dorper sheep.

2. Red Maasai.

3. Merino sheep.

4. Romney Marsh 

5. Suffolk

6. South Down

Inbreeding has been reported as one of the major problems of zero-grazing sheep farming in Kenya. As a result of this, tags should be put on rams and the rams should be changed after every breeding season.

4. Housing 

Providing shelter and housing for sheep is essential because it protects them against extreme weather conditions. A shed is necessary to shelter sheep during the rainy season and at night. You ensure the shed has cross ventilation and light penetration inside.

Open one paddock next to the shed to keep them at least for a few hours daily. Each adult sheep needs 10 square metres. All sheds and paddocks should be covered with wire mesh at the desired height to prevent sheep from jumping out.

Pregnant ewes, lambs and rams should be kept separate based on sex, age, and body weight. Wire mesh or wooden partitions are made and use mud or burnt mud bricks for the floor because it absorbs urine, minimizing the ammonia smell. 

Additionally, prepare wooden or metal sheets as feeders to be used during feeding and water troughs for drinking water.

Feeding Sheep

Feeding sheep is essential because it makes sheep fatten and grow fast. Therefore, it is important to feed sheep with high-nutrient feed.

Here, feeding sheep is done daily, and they are given fresh feed. Sheep fed on fresh grass or fodder daily and also supplemented with other feeds if the fresh grass is dry, like silage, lucerne or leguminous fodder, concentrate feed, and mineral mixture, mature faster and attain the required weight.

Sheep should be given fresh and clean water daily.

5. Managing Sheep

Good care and management make sheep grow healthy, hence achieving desired goal and also maximizing your profits. In addition to proper housing and feeding, this also ensures that cleanliness is managed and maintained.

Ensure you have vaccinated sheep against disease and parasites to reduce mortality and other economic loss. If any sheep is sick, separate it from others and provide proper treatment.

Establish fodder banks for growing grass and supplement it with a legume. Apply at least one area of fodder per sheep. Create a zero grazing unit with cubicles, a walking area, feed and water troughs, and a roof. 

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